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Group classes are small so I can still give attention to each student. I still take in student history and goals when programming for group classes and try to sort students into classes appropriate for their skill level. I take turns monitoring each student through the entire workout to check for safety, form, and correct sequencing of muscle activation. To start a new class, at least 3 students must be available during the proposed time. For tailored programming specific to your body's needs & flexible scheduling, please consider private lessons. 

All new students must complete 3 private lessons with me within 3 weeks of the first lesson. Special pricing is available for this condition.

The reasoning behind this is twofold:

1. Safety is a priority for me. I want to be able to get to know you and assess your movement. Every student learns at a different pace and in different ways. I want to be as accommodating as possible to support your success. After 3 private lessons, we can always re-assess the next steps.

2. The first lesson typically feels like an info. dump and the experience is often different from other exercise programs you may have participated in. Current students have already undergone this process. As beneficial as it is to have occasional review of fundamentals, out of respect for their time, I don't want to keep current students in a loop by repeating this material with the same intensity as in intro. sessions with new students joining at different times.


Please inquire for time

(East Coast USA time)

This class uses a variety of apparatus: mat, chair, Stability Ball, foam roller, flex-band, and light weights to mobilize, stabilize, and strengthen the body. In line with the purpose of Pilates classes, the class builds upon the basic principles and emphasizes activation of the correct muscle groups when performing the exercises-- resulting in a more resilient body with healthy muscle patterning.


Please inquire for time

(East Coast USA time)

Come and ask questions to get some help for specific concerns with your body. Office Hours are free and open to anyone so long as they have signed the Waiver and Student Policies. This service coming from realizing how many people suffer from aches and pains in their backs and other body parts-- which is sad because pain leaks energy and distracts you from the things you care about. I've found for myself that the recipe for making progress with injuries is: consistent commitments to conscious movement, stillness, and rest, in addition to asking for the right help from others you trust. Please let me know ahead of time if you plan on attending free office hours.

*Note: I am a Stott certified Pilates instructor, not a medical professional.


Please inquire for time

(East Coast USA time)

This class focuses on restoring mobility and releasing tension from the body. Building fundamental stability is the secondary component of this class. I believe in teaching the body to de-stress and bringing out of a vulnerable state before we ask it to work on more advance or strength exercises.


Please contact me for in person lessons & workshops.


Private Lessons are one-on-one, 1-hour long sessions where I analyze your posture, combine it with your history and goals to tailor an exercise program suitable to your needs. The advantages of private lessons are you have the instructor's complete attention not only to program specifically for your needs and goals, but also to monitor your form, movements, and progress for the entire duration of the lesson.


Duets are 1-hour long sessions made up of two students. I try and pair students with compatible schedules and similar body issues/ goals.


Workshops are offered occasionally based on specialty topic. For example, I run Back Pain Relief/ Spinal Health on Chair, Stability Ball: Spinal Mobility, and Stability Ball: Spinal Mobility + Strength.

I am available to lead workshops for your group, organization, or company-- particularly if you are looking for wellness or team-bonding activity. My specialties for teaching are exercises for back pain relief and Pilates. I feel that students who take my workshops, classes, and/ or lessons should be able to understand their own anatomy and consciously activate often underutilized muscles to create movement and benefit their own wellbeing. As such, I tend to be very detailed in how I explain, instruct, and correct form. I also have substantial experience from acrobatics/ circus.

Please contact me for scheduling, rates, and other logistics.



I am certified to teach Level 1 (Essential & Intermediate) Mat & Reformer Stott Pilates. Under the Stott certification system, instructors are required to take continuing education each year. Some modalities I am trained to teach: Athletic Conditioning, Stability Ball, Mini Stability Ball, Foam Roller, Mini Foam Roller, Flexband, and Sliding Mobility Disks. If you have access to a Reformer or other large Pilates equipment-- wonderful-- I am capable of instructing you virtually or in person. I recommend most people have access to some equipment because they are tools that assist us work effectively and intentionally without having to compromise their bodies and risk injury. While Mat Pilates is theoretically simple, it is a challenging form of exercise that requires strength, proprioception, and flexibility. It is normal to have limitations and they're not necessarily set in stone; we work together to learn at your pace and through experiential paths that belong to you. Equipment can also intensify familiar exercises and add variety and fun. In my vision, exercise is for living joyfully and with gratitude, character building, and making wise choices.

Merrithew is the company that certifies Stott Pilates instructors. The links I have below are Merrithew branded equipment as samples. You do not have to buy Merrithew branded equipment and even if you do, you do not have to buy it through the links I provided. I also have suggestions common household items that can act as substitutes. Feel free to reach out to me for if you have questions or need further clarity.

Refer to the size guides of whatever company/ brand you buy from and select the size that conforms with your height.

Foam rollers can vary by density, texture, shape, & size. You are welcome to consult me about which type(s) may best suit your purposes.

A long sleeved shirt or strap for example can also substitute.

Light weights (1- 2lbs), canned food, or water bottles are suitable substitutes.

Plastic bags, socks, paper plates, etc. can substitute for sliders.


Pillows/ cushions/ books can facilitate better posture during exercise through the neck, hips, etc.

Considerations on What to Pay

I created a sliding scale because of my personal background where I loved acrobatics, but did not have the support to learn in a professional, safe environment-- which later led to injuries and disappointment. Living a pain-free, injury-free life with improved stability and mobility is valuable and enables you to have more freedom to do what you love. I want that to be accessible as many people who have this desire and need. I am a little different than most Pilates studios that offer a standard rate for all students (which currently is the Financially Abundant category and what a studio would charge for classes and lessons with me). The higher price option in this category is available for those who are able and willing through generous contribution helps me make up the costs of accessibility of my services to others. By paying more, you support me to stay professionally relevant and able to serve my students and you contribute to empowering a more economically diverse community of people.

I operate on an honor system because I trust that you want to support and respect my profession and needs to live and see value in what I have to share with you as a teacher as well as with others.   

To see your authentic rate, ask yourself the following questions:

  • What level would be fairly comfortable for me to pay?

  • What level would be a “stretch” but not a hardship for me to pay?​

I currently accept payment through Cash app: $vanillavitamins and Venmo: @vanillavitamins.

Thank you for your support and consideration! 

Supporting Equitable Access to Healthy Outcomes & Respect

The two prices under the "Financially Abundant" tier reflect: one, the rate studios charge to work with me and two, the option to contribute towards covering the costs of another student having access to exercise & preventative health in a way that is sustainable for me.

The Group Class rates are per person. Any packages are intended to be used by 1 individual.


New Student Intro. Package

(3 Private Lessons): $180 | $270

Private Lesson: $80 | $120

5 Sessions Package: $375 | $560

10 Sessions Package: $700 | $1050

Duet: $55 | $80 per person

5 Sessions Package: $265 | $385

10 Sessions Package: $500 | $730

Online Group Class: $25 | $35

5 Classes Package: $115 | $170

10 Classes Package: $200 | $320


New Student Intro. Package

(3 Private Lessons): $135

Private Lesson: $60

5 Sessions Package: $280

10 Sessions Package: $525

Duet: $45 per person

5 Sessions Package: $215

10 Sessions Package: $410

Online Group Class: $15

5 Classes Package: $70

10 Classes Package: $120


New Student Intro. Package

(3 Private Lessons): $90

Private Lesson: $40

5 Sessions Package: $190

10 Sessions Package: $350

Duet: $30 per person

5 Sessions Package: $145

10 Sessions Package: $270

Online Group Class: $10

5 Classes Package: $45

10 Classes Package: $80

*Prices are subject to change. I communicate changes to all current students.

©2020 by vanillavitamins: acrobatics & pilates. Proudly created with

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